
Faculty of Medicine, Lund University

As an extraordinary measure, the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences announces scholarships for Ukrainian scientists to perform research in Sweden.

Ukrainian citizens can apply for funding to facilitate carrying out their research in Sweden during, or in connection with, the ongoing war. The research shall be conducted at a Swedish university or at one of the research institutes of the Academy. Expenses that can be covered by the scholarship include e.g. living expenses, travels as well as other costs that may be associated with temporarily relocating to Sweden.

The application shall include a short description of ongoing research (maximum 2 pages), CV, budget, and an expected timeline for the visit to Sweden. Up to 20.000 SEK per month can be applied for. The application should be accompanied by a letter from an authorised representative of the Swedish host department confirming that they will offer space. Please also include name and contact details to a contact person at the host department. All material shall preferably be submitted as a single PDF file.

Applications are sent by email to scholarship@kva.se – labelling the subject line “Ukraine”. Applications are processed continuously in the order they are received.

Further information can be obtained via scholarship@kva.se.

For contact with potential host departments at Lund University, contact vice dean for internationalisation prof David.Gisselsson_Nord@med.lu.se

Research Focus / Keywords

Medicine and life sciences

ScholarshipMedical & health sciencesResearchers