
Department of Computer Sciences, Dmytro Motornyi Tavria State Agrotechnological University

Before the start of the full-scale invasion of the Russian Federation into Ukraine, the Department of Computer Science had a powerful educational and laboratory base, consisting of five classrooms equipped with modern hardware and software. Now the department, together with the university, has been moved to another city, and the educational laboratories have been lost. The department needs computer equipment: computers, laptops, etc. This equipment will be used for practical training during the educational process.

About the Institution

The Department of Computer Science trains specialists in speciality 122 Computer Science at two levels of higher education: bachelor's degree and master's degree.

More than 50 different disciplines focused on modern information technologies are taught at the department. The department staff constantly works on improving the educational process, improving the material and technical base and educational and methodological support, which contributes to increasing the level of professional and scientific training of graduates, their competitiveness on the labour market in the field of information technologies.

Scientific and research work, namely the publication activity in publications indexed in the Scopus and Web of Science databases, professional publications of categories A and B, preparation of reports for scientific and practical conferences of various levels takes the important place in the life of the department. The annual All-Ukrainian scientific and practical Internet conference "Modern computer and information systems and technologies" is organized on the basis of the Department of Computer Science. The department pays a lot of attention to the scientific work of students. Student scientific groups of the department work on the following topics: geometric modelling of phenomena and processes based on computer vision and computer graphics methods; modern information technologies in the educational process; intelligent and expert systems; tools for publishing computer ontologies; web design and layout of web pages; computer graphics, design and video editing, etc.

Research Focus / Keywords

educational process; conducting classes

Support RequestEngineering & technology