
Department of Transistor Converters, Institute of Electrodynamics of NASU

We are interested in cooperation with other European departments and laboratories whose research is close to ours or for whom our knowledge can be useful

We hope for mutually beneficial cooperation and the next publication of research results in scientific publications.

Our main scientific interests lie in the research and development of new topologies and control methods for transistor converters. Our research in recent years has focused on series resonant transducers for various applications such as induction heating and ultrasonic cleaning. A special direction of research is related to the pulse density modulation control method and combining this method with other control methods.

About the Institution

Our main scientific interests lie in the research and development of new topologies and control methods for transistor converters. Our research in recent years has focused on series resonant transducers for various applications such as induction heating and ultrasonic cleaning. A special direction of research is related to the pulse density modulation control method and combining this method with other control methods.

We are interested in cooperation with other European departments and laboratories whose research is close to ours or for whom our knowledge can be useful.

We hope for mutually beneficial cooperation and the next publication of research results in scientific publications.

Research Focus / Keywords

transistor converters, series-resonant inverters, control mthods, phase-locked loop (PLL), induction heating, ultrosonic cleaning, EMI, pulse-density modulation (PDM), STM32, digital control systems

Cooperation OfferEngineering & technology