The Berlin Mathematics Research Center MATH+ is offering support for mathematicians from academic institutions in Ukraine, who have recently left the country due to the ongoing Russian war of aggression on Ukraine.
The special fellowship program is an offer for refugees from Ukraine who hold a master’s degree or higher in mathematics or a closely related field and have pursued mathematical research at a university or other academic institution in Ukraine during the time since 2021. The aim of the program is to enable refugees to continue their research and start new collaborations at one of the participating mathematics institutes: FU Berlin, HU Berlin, and TU Berlin, as well as the non-university institutes Weierstrass Institute for Applied Analysis and Stochastics (WIAS) and Zuse Institute Berlin (ZIB).
Candidates either live in the Berlin region or intend to use a research stay there to bridge the time until the start of a future position already secured elsewhere.
A fellowship comes with a monthly stipend for 3-6 months to cover the cost of living in or around Berlin.
3-6 months