
Scientific Library, Kharkiv State Academy of Culture

Taking into account the experience gained and the work carried out by the Kharkiv State Academy of Culture in relation to the implementation of the UNESCO program, we have the following urgent needs for attracting donor funds that will contribute to increasing the institutional capacity of our institution:

Purchase of a tablet scanner for the digitization of the library fund in order to preserve it and expand its accessibility for all participants of the educational process; updating the library's computer park for the production and provision of high-quality library and information services in the field of remote user service, the formation of a digital repository fund and the integration of the intellectual achievements of lecturers-scientists in the global scientific space.

Purchase of multimedia boards, innovative licensed software, including paid artificial intelligence programs, programs for creating virtual tours, audio guides, 3D models, etc. with the aim of forming digital competences of education seekers.

About the Institution

The library of the Kharkiv State Academy of Culture is a leading assistant in the training of young specialists and scientists in the field of cultural studies, library and information activities, document studies, tourism studies, and art studies.

The structure of the library consists of 5 departments:

Information and bibliographic department;

Sector of scientometrics and scientific activity;

Service Department;

Department of document collection and accounting;

Automation sector

In 2024, the Academy will celebrate 95 years since its founding

In order to preserve the scientific library fund, it is necessary to update the material and technical support

Research Focus / Keywords

higher education, culture, library, fund digitization, scanners

Support RequestHumanities & the arts