
Department of General Chemistry and Chemistry of Materials, Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University

We are looking for the equipment that is useful for the synthesis and characterization of nanoparticles and surfaces of semiconductors, this includes profilographs, IR spectrometer and fluorometer.

About the Institution

Our department studies the chemistry and assembly of nanoparticles and chemistry of semiconductors. This is the group of young researchers supported by experienced professors of the department. Our focus lies on synthesis of metal, semiconductor and magnetic particles and their application as bio-sensors and energy harvesters. Furthermore, we are interested in the physical and chemical mechanisms of nanoparticle synthesis itself and studies of the physical and chemical properties of the resulting particles and their assembly in functional composite materials. We are experienced in the engineering, programming and building of the devices for the optical, electrical and thermal measurements of bulk and nanoparticles of metals and semiconductors

Research Focus / Keywords

nanoparticles, semiconductors

Support RequestNatural sciences