
The Department of Physics and Methods of Teaching Physics, Berdyansk State Pedagogical University

To resume scientific research, we need:

semiconductor materials (Si, InP, GaAs, CdTe, CdO, SiC);

- portable equipment for electrochemical etching and deposition (electrochemical cell, potentiostat, current source, working electrodes, and reference electrodes);

- money for research and testing of materials in laboratories of collective use of equipment;

- Office equipment (computer, laptop, tablet).

It is desirable to receive materials and equipment before the new year. This would allow researchers to resume research and conduct scientific experiments in the shortest possible time. Currently, the university is implementing two projects, for the implementation of which it is necessary to restore the material base in the specified minimum amount. We will find an opportunity to deliver the proposed equipment within Ukraine.

About the Institution

Berdyansk State Pedagogical University is one of the oldest and most powerful higher educational institutions of South-East of Ukraine (Zaporizhzhya region). 2022 is the year of the 150th anniversary of the establishment of the Berdyansk Boys’ Gymnasium (1872), on the basis of which the Berdyansk HEI was founded 90 years ago (1932). The main areas of scientific research in the University are: Applied physics and nanomaterials; Scientific principles of training competitive specialists for productive activities; Inclusive and barrier-free space.

Berdyansk, situated on the sea of Azov, was occupied by Russian troops already in three days after beginning of this phase of the Russian-Ukrainian war, February 27, 2022. Berdyansk State Pedagogical University was relocated officially, according to an order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, to Zaporizhzhya since April, 28. But just virtually: all equipment and other material resources have been left in the University’s buildings in the occupied Berdyansk. So, the entire university community of BSPU, which consists of 4,195 people (3,748 students and 447 staff), is under immediate threat, being IDPs, refugees or under occupation.

In 2020-2021, scientific and laboratory equipment was purchased for the necessary experimental research. In 2022, the opening of the Nanomaterials Synthesis Laboratory was planned. During the temporary occupation, the physics and mathematics building of the university, in which the laboratories functioned, was shot by the Russian occupiers. They also stole the server of the university on which the site is located. In such conditions, the successful implementation of scientific projects was under threat. Currently, the university has temporarily moved to the city of Zaporizhzhia.

Research Focus / Keywords

Synthesis and research of functional properties of nanomaterials and heterostructures based on semiconductors for applications in photonic devices and solar cells. Semiconductors, electrochemical deposition, nanomaterials, heterostructures, surface physics

Support RequestNatural sciencesEngineering & technology