
Department of International Relations, State University 'Uzhhorod National University'

As a University with a good experience in the preparation and implementation of international projects under several Funding Programs (Erasmus+, HUSKROUA, RO-UA, HORIZON, etc.) we truly believe that further international cooperation will enrich our experience with good practices.

Currently, we are searching for partners to apply for funding in the field of microbiology, Cyber Security, Sustainable Development, and Cultural Tourism.

In the framework of above-mentioned fields the following grants we would like to apply for:


Briefly describing our experience we need to mention that currently our University implementing 13 international projects in different fields as a partner institution or lead partner.

You can find more information about our international projects here: https://www.uzhnu.edu.ua/en/cat/irelations-projects

Moreover, we have good experience in academic mobility under several programs and Funds. (Erasmus+, Visegrad Fund, etc.)

About the Institution

State University 'Uzhhorod National University' performs active international cooperation with 125 universities in 25 countries and is a member of the following international organization: Magna Charta Universitatum, European University Association, Danube Rectors Conference, and International Consortium of Universities.

SU 'Uzhhorod National University' takes 231-240th position in QS World University Rankings by Region, 11th position according to Webometrics Ranking, 13th position in the ranking SciVerse Sсopus, 24th position in SСImago Ranking and 11th position in TOP-200. In the international ranking U-Multirank among 76 best universities of Ukraine, SU 'Uzhhorod National University' takes the 12th.

SU 'Uzhhorod National University' belongs to classic universities of Ukraine, holding the highest 4th level of accreditation due to the decision of Accreditation Commission since December 27, 2013 Minutes No.108 (Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine order No. 1-L from January 01, 2014). It is one of the largest universities of the Carpathian region.

The University provides education according to the major qualification and educational levels "Junior specialist", "Bachelor", "Master", "Doctorate/Ph.D." under the license No 636802 Series AE from 19.06.2015.

The University provides a wide range of educational services and is entitled to train experts who can obtain the following educational and educational research degrees:

- Junior Bachelor’s degree – 7 curricula

- At the first level of tertiary education (Bachelor’s degree) – 109 curricula;

- At the second level of tertiary education (Master’s degree) – 83 curricula;

At the third level of tertiary education (Doctor of Philosophy) – 20 curricula.

The university has 20 faculties, 2 educational research institutes, 112 departments, the natural sciences and humanities college, 20 institutes, centers and laboratories, the research library, the botanical garden, 4 museums. Currently, the number of the research and teaching staff reaches 1,600 people and 14,713 students study at the university.

During the war, our University hosted temporarily displaced persons at the Dormitories. Due to the current situation, most of the students are forced to look for accommodation because of the lack of facilities. Some of the students and staff joined the army and currently fighting for our country.

Research Focus / Keywords

Main research areas: microbiology, cultural tourism, Sustainable Development, Cyber Security

Cooperation OfferNatural sciencesSocial sciencesMedical & health sciences