
International relations department, Poltava State Agrarian University

We have defined the following areas of possible cooperation / support:

o\tInvolvement of international specialists in the educational process (online lectures, webinars, trainings – special interest in seminar for the development of grant writing skills)

o\tScholarships /mobility programs for students, administrative and teaching staff within Erasmus+ or other funding programmes

o\tAccess to scientific libraries and repositories

o\tJoint research projects and preparation of joint proposals (research areas will be specified in the Excel table)

o\tLiterature in foreign languages for our Language Center

o\tOnline Winter Language school and offline Summer Language school both for academic staff and students

o\tParticipation in Staff Week

o\tStudent Internships at modern enterprises

o\tCOILs programs/courses for students

o\tEquipment for laboratories

o\tServers and Technical support, tech upskilling

o\tAssistance in the development courses and programs in English and in their further international accreditation

About the Institution

Poltava State Agrarian University (PSAU) is one of the oldest educational institutions in Poltava region. Its history began September 1, 1920. On the territory of the campus, located near the city center, there are: 5 academic buildings (one building is for student self-governance) and 6 dormitories.

As Poltava region is an agrarian one, the higher educational institution has its unique character, preparing specialists of agrarian profile and for other branches of the national economy.

There are 4 Faculties and 2 Educational and Scientific Institutes in University’s structure: Faculty of Engineering and Technology, Educational and Scientific Institute of Economics, Management, Law and Information Technology, The Technology of Production and Processing of Livestock Products Faculty, Educational and Scientific Institute of Agritechnology, Selection and Ecology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Faculty of Accounting and Finance.

The University also includes 7 Colleges, two of which are located in Poltava and 5 in the region. More than 9,000 students are trained in our educational, research and production complex, including colleges and more than 5000 at the University itself.

For today, specialists on 28 educational programs are being trained at PSAU. Our University is a powerful research center. The main purpose of scientific activities is to obtain and use new knowledge to create socially useful scientific results, providing training, solving problems in the field of science and technology development, implementation of scientific and scientific-practical results in Ukraine and on the world market.

At the end of 2021, the University has 42 agreements on international cooperation and launches constantly new partnerships. International connections give our students an opportunity to do internships in 23 countries around the world. Since 2015, the University has been participating in projects on international credit mobility. PSAI is a member of the previous editions (Tempus) and current directions of Erasmus+ programme, such as KA2 and Jean Monnet Action.

Cooperation OfferSocial sciencesHumanities & the artsEngineering & technologyAgricultural & veterinary sciences