We need the following goods to protect our rooms and collections against harmful factors of the external environment caused by military destruction:
• Fire extinguisher – 6 items
• Mineral wool – 3 packages
• Bubble wrap – 3 rolls
• Electric air dryer – 2 items
• Thermometers – 8 items
• Hygrometers – 8 items
• Anti-molt products – 2 packages
• Moisture absorbers – 25-30 items
• Fireproof cabinets with many hours of fire protection – 2 items
• External HDD 4 terabytes – 1 item
• Museum scanner – 1 item
The equipment and materials for fire safety and fight against excessive humidity of premises are the main of our needs. We need the external HHD to copy and save the most important work information and our digital funds, which were produced during the last three years. Also, we need a museum scanner to make a digital copy of our collections. The digitization of the funds will make it possible to preserve and expand the material of our Museum.
All these positions could be bought and delivered in Ukraine.
The staff of “Museum-cultural complex. Ukrainian Institute of Physics and Technology” has conducted an active scientific, communication, exhibition and excursion activities for 3 years of the Museum sector existence. For the first time in the museum practice of Ukraine, the innovation strategy of the museum-cultural complex modernization was proposed on a basis of the collaboration with stakeholders and cultural-creative industries. For example, in September 2020, “The Festival of Constructivism” (https://constructivism-kharkiv.com/novini/164-26-09-2020-festival-of-constructivism) was held, visited by more than 1,000 people. In summer 2021, the International Research and Creative Residence took place on the territory of Museum-cultural complex. During this event, artists from the different states reinterpreted the history and scientific heritage of the Institute. During its existence, “Museum-cultural complex “UIPT” became the first scientific-technological museum in Ukraine where the creating of own “NFT” collection was started with the help of blockchain technology. Also, the Verbatim technologies (Documental theatre) and Storytelling (Telling the history) were for the first time implemented in the Ukrainian‘s museum-cultural environment.
The full-scale invasion of the Russian Federation into Ukraine (February 24, 2022)and the active shelling of Kharkiv have led to interruptions of the power and heat supplying of the NSC KhIPT and the Museum’s buildings, as well as to the radical decreasing of the funding. The heating problems have led to temperatures drops and strong increases of the humidity level in the museum’s rooms. An excess moisture has a negative impact on the preservation of the unique equipment and facilities as well as the Museum’s funds.
Cultural heritage, history of science and technology, oral history, museology, IT technology, digitization of museum funds.