
Marketing Department of the Dmytro Motornyi Tavria State Agrotechnological University

The Marketing Departement is looking for partners to make research in neiro marketing and consumer bahavior. Moreover, we are interesting in collaboration for the International Conference Organization and Scientific forums. Such partnership may be prolonged in rouand tables of Educational program Diaccusion.

About the Institution

TSATU is a leading innovative university center, integrated into the international scientific space. It was established in 1932. TSATU is represented in four international and four national rankings: Webometrics Ranking of World’s Universities, uniRank University Ranking Scopus, TRANSPARENT RANKING, Top 200 Ukraine, Vstup.osvita.ua, Consolidated ranking of higher education institutions of Ukraine, Bibliometrics of Ukrainian science.

TSATU cosists of five Departments: Faculty of Economics and Business; Mechanical Engineering Faculty; Faculty of Engineering and Computer Technology; Faculty of Agricultural Technologies and Ecology; Institute of Continuing Education and Advising; 6 colleges. The University offers 21 Major Programs. There are 337 teachers and 4500 students.

Since 2022 TSATU is relocated to Zaporizhzhya because of occupation of Melitopol.

Research Focus / Keywords

neuro marketing, consumer behavior, agricultural marketing, food industry, export marketing

Cooperation OfferSocial sciencesAgricultural & veterinary sciences