
Department of Physics and Chemistry of Ions Systems, Joint Department of Electrochemical Energy Systems

We are looking for partners in the development of next-generation battery materials designed in line with the principles of sustainable, green development and for the application of new techniques to monitor the interfaces in working batteries, in order to develop better design strategies for these crucial energy storage systems.

In the case of prospective research collaborations, we can develop new batteries with a high level of safety and strength under electric current upload. Development and validation of open-source algorithms for quantifying respect to the state of the art of batteries in terms of time and efficiency, controlling the state of the surface of electrodes and electrolyte exhaustion (safe, accessible, and reliable operation of batteries and compatible with the battery passport concept) using electrochemical impedance spectroscopy data and calculation of capacitance and dispersion of capacitance with further building 3-D maps of changing these parameters in certain frequency ranges.

About the Institution

The Joint Department of Electrochemical Energy Systems of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine dates back to 199 under resolution No. 365 of 12.22 of the Presidium of the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. The area of scientific interests: investigation and development of new generation batteries and supercapacitors, electrode and electrolyte systems for battery application.During the war, the Department lost its main funding. Now the funding is 60 % of the previous funding. It's the reason for the decreasing of qualified specialists amount and the absence of the possibility of upgrading equipment.

Research Focus / Keywords

Batteries, supercapacitors, electrolytes systems, monitoring battery state of health

Cooperation OfferNatural sciencesEngineering & technology