
Department of Foreign Languages, Dmytro Motornyi Tavria State Agrotechnological University

Our department needs some equipment for distance education, both for teachers and students who now live in the unoccupied territory but do not have a possibilty to buy new or used devices. It is crucially important to have at least 10 laptops with cameras and headsets, a multifunctional printer, a projector and a screen, a whiteboard, coursebooks and workbooks (including digital ones)

About the Institution

The Department of Foreign Languages provides courses of foreign languages (English, French, German), including English, French, German for Specific Purposes, Academic English, Business English for students of technical, economic, agricultural, engineering specialities.

Since February 2022 Melitopol, where the university is located, has been occupied by russia, many university workers had to leave their homes with one or two bags and move to safer places. There was not any possibility to take any digital devices, this was prohibited by the occupants of numerous checkpoints between Melitopol and Zaporizhzhia. In May 2022 the buildings of the university were also occupied by Russian soldiers, it was prohibited to come to the university for all the workers who did not agree to work for the pseudouniversity and refused to cooperate with the occupation authorities. So, all the books, coursebooks, workbooks, journals, personal belongings kept on the university premises, equipment and devices became unavailable for the staff of our department. The university had to move to the unoccupied territory without any equipment, devices, books etc. In September 2022 it started the educational process in the distant form. But both teachers and students have to work using only simple devices and resources which they could keep or purchase. In most cases the devices are personal smartphones with limited functionality.

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