Our department is in need of:
1. Computers 10 pieces for teachers and 30 pieces for students (for work places in laboratories)
2. Spectrum analyzer to 3 GGHz 15 pieces
3. Laboratory power supply unit 30 pieces
4. Signal generators (laboratory) 15 pieces
5. Digital oscilloscopes 15 pieces
6. Digital oscilloscopes with spectrum analyzers 15 pieces
7. SDR to 6 GGHz 15 pieces
8. Vector network analyzer 1 piece (for scientific work)
This equipment will be used in the laboratory works for the following functions:
• Study the digital protocols of data transfer
• Design of digital circuits
• Study of signal processing in analog systems
• Digital signal processing
• Research of radio signals spectrums and study of radio engineering and telecommunication systems
• Computers (laptops) for teachers are necessary to conduct classes for students remotely
• Computers for students for laboratory works in the direction of Digital signal processing.
Department of Applied Radioelectronics of Radio Engineering Faculty prepares specialists (bachelor, master and PhD students) in the field of electronics, mechatronics and radioelectronics. We have 5 laboratories, where our teachers are carried out the following disciplines: Digital Signal Processing, Analog Circuits Design, Design of Radioelectronic equipment, Programming and Embedded Systems etc. There are more than 150 students at our Department.
As our University is located in Kyiv, we have some opporunities to carry out our lecturers, seminars and laboratory works in mixed mode (on-line and some lessons in our buiding).
Because of the war we do not have any funding, unfortunately, all funds go to the Armed Forces. Since our speciatly (Telecommunication and Radio Engineering) constantly develops, the laboratory equipment needs constant updating.
digital signal processing, analog circuit design, digital circuit design, embedde systems, telecommunications and radio electronics