
International Cooperation Office, Ternopil Ivan Puluj National Technical University

Hello, we are looking for new partners ready to start cooperation within programs for academic and staff mobility and for different grant projects

About the Institution

•\tTNTU is located in Ternopil, in the West of Ukraine. It was founded it 1960.Ranked in the top 300 in the QS ranking-table; #62 in the Scopus; #25 among Ukrainian HEIs (Q2) in the SCImago Institutions Rankings 2022; #13 among all Ukrainian universities according to U-Multirank; #18 among national higher institutions and #3765 in the world according to the Ranking Web of Universities (Webometrics).

•\tTNTU count around 8600 students, 400 of whom are international. TNTU is active internationally, with partnerships in Poland, Lithuania, France, Germany, etc.

•\tTNTU have four faculties:

1.\tEngineering of Machines, Structures and Technologies

2.\tComputer Information Systems and Software Engineering

3.\tApplied Information Technologies and Electrical Engineering

4.\tEconomics and Management

Research Focus / Keywords

cooperation, grant projects, mobility, research

Cooperation OfferEngineering & technologyUnspecified