
Council of Young Scientists of Uzhhorod National University, Uzhhorod National University

We are looking for all possible forms of cooperation, but we emphasize:

- joint research, or separately for young scientists of our university,

- joint grants or grants for young scientists of our university,

- internship opportunities abroad,

- humanitarian aid to our university with equipment, consumables,

- opportunities to involve experts in the educational process,

- joint scientific events (conferences, congresses, workshops, etc.)

- joint publication of textbooks, monographs, articles, etc.

We are always open to other types of cooperation within the scope of the university and human capital.

About the Institution

Uzhhorod National University belongs to the classic universities of Ukraine, holding the highest 4th level of accreditation. It is one of the largest and best universities in the Carpathian region. The university was founded in 1945 and it has acquired a well-deserved reputation in the scientific world, becoming the landmark and the alma-mater for generations of students who are working successfully both in Ukraine and other countries of the world. The university collaborates with many top universities abroad.

The Council Of Young Scientists of Uzhhorod National University coordinates the activities of young scientists at the university. It disseminates information about national and international competitions, prizes, scholarships, grants and assists in the organization and conduct of scientific work. The Council of Young Scientists consists of graduate students and employees of the UzhNU University of Applied Sciences under the age of 35. An individual member of the Council can be a teacher, employee, doctoral student, postgraduate student of any form of education, compatible with the goals and tasks of the Council of Young Scientists.

The Council of Young Scientists consists of graduate students and employees of the UzhNU University of Applied Sciences under the age of 35. An individual member of the Council can be a teacher, employee, doctoral student, postgraduate student of any form of education, compatible with the goals and tasks of the Council of Young Scientists.

Because of the war, we lost human resources, interdisciplinary connections, in particular between universities, which were destroyed, certain logistical connections, research opportunities, reduced funding for scientific research, etc.

We need relations with a foreign university/group to start a new international research collaboration, support with equipment, materials or reagents for the continuation of current projects in Ukraine, internships abroad, grant opportunities and informational support for researchers from Ukraine.

Research Focus / Keywords

Education, medicine, biology, physics, mathematics, information technology, chemistry, history, international relations, law, dentistry, foreign languages, biotechnology, botany, zoology, ethnography, medical technology, production technology, startups, research, interdisciplinary research, conferences, books, articles, publications.

Support RequestNatural sciencesSocial sciencesHumanities & the artsEngineering & technologyMedical & health sciencesAgricultural & veterinary sciencesUnspecified