The School of Chemistry, School of Biology and School of Physics and Technology need a set of equipment specified to relaunch or improve lab classes as well as to carry out research activities in certain fields.
The School of Chemistry requires a liquid chromatograph with a diode array detector and refractive index detector in order to conduct research activities at the modern level and hold lab classes for students from master’s programmes such as "Chemistry", "Pharmaceutical Chemistry", "Materials Science Forensic Expertise".
The School of Biology is looking for a set of equipment including an automatic biochemical analyzer BS-240, a climate chamber (Incubator) HettCube 600, KERN OBN-147 Fluorescent microscope etc. to undertake a research project called "Study of age-related features of the liver fibrosis formation in model animals (Wistar rats) and correction of these conditions", that is aimed at studying the relationship between the characteristics of fibrogenesis, functional activity and liver regeneration on the experimental models of Cu-induced liver fibrosis in different age animals.
In order to cover the damage to the Department of Medical Physics and Biomedical Nanotechnologies caused due to shelling by Russian invaders at the end of this February, the School of Physics and Technology needs a set of lab equipment, which would replace the damaged units and make it possible to resume research activities in the following areas: “Simulation of high-energy charged particle beam motion in straight and bent crystals”, “Nuclear burning wave phenomena” (the findings could be used in the next generation of the safe fast nuclear reactors, i.e. travelling wave reactors) and “Numerical solutions of Einstein equations and dynamic equations of fields in curved backgrounds”.
Being one of the oldest public HEIs in Ukraine, V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University (KKNU) offers the whole spectrum of classical university education. Before the war waged by Russia against Ukraine, KKNU had over 20000 students, 4000 of them were international students from 50 countries. About 440 full professors, over 1300 associate professors and PhD students work in schools and research institutes of KKNU. The University publishing house issues 40 scientific journals specialized in different branches of sciences. According to QS World University Rankings, KKNU is ranked first in Ukraine.
KKNU is an active member of the International Society of leading European and world universities, member of the World and European University Association and other leading research associations. Within the framework of the EU program Erasmus+ KA1, KKNU has 59 current agreements with foreign HEIs. Teams of scientists have successfully implemented a total of 11 Jean Monnet projects for the period from 2013 to 2022, and have become an associate partner in 6 Erasmus + KA2 CBHE projects. Also, the university has participated in projects under the programs Horizon 2020, Horizon Europe, projects of the British Council, DAAD and others.