We are now looking for consortium partners when applying for КA2 of the Erasmus+ program:
- to develop tools to assess the quality of teaching for future teachers (ethics of interaction, student attrition, discipline/teacher rating);
- integrating assessment tools into the Moodle system;
- developing trainings on online teaching methods;
- development of trainings on student-centered approach to teaching.
Kryviy Rih State Pedagogical University is the only educational institution in the region that trains teachers.
In 2021, the University was recognized as the best university in the ranking of Ukraine among Pedagogical Higher Educational Institutions, surpassing capital and regional universities.
However, in times of war, university management requires flexible and quick decisions regarding the formation of the curriculum, schedule, and strategy for the formation of professorial staff for a number of reasons.
Firstly, it is a potentially temporarily displaced university due to its close territorial location - not far from the battle line in the South (Kherson, about 50 km from the battle line) direction of confrontation with the Russian army.
This potentially reduces the number of students from adjacent agricultural areas (which are partly occupied) and applicants who do not choose a university due to the level of danger of the region.
The university funding system directly depends on the number of students who pay for their education on their own or study at the expense of the state.
Therefore, the policy of the university should now be flexible and student-centered approach to the learning process in order to retain each student.
course assessment, self-assessment of competencies, higher education, data-driven decision-making, online learning, quality of education, quality of online learning, ethic of testing, quality of teachers’ activity