We are looking for support with equipment for our class room for Masters students (one laptop and one media projector). These item will be used in our educational and scientific work with students, during the organization and conduct of theoretical and practical classes, scientific circles, conferences, webinars, etc.
Scientific activity is carried out by lecturers in accordance with two approved topics of scientific research of the Department: «Improvement of the legal regulation of land, agrarian and environmental legal relations regarding adaptation to the European Union legislation» and «Actual problems of the ensuring the right to work and ways of its improvement».
Since 2006, when the Department was established, its staff has been formed as an active scientific community, whose efforts are aimed at successfully solving current scientific and practical problems in the field of labour, environmental, agricultural and land law.
The result of research activities of the Department are successfully defended dissertation research; scientific products in the form of monographs, scientific articles, abstracts of reports at conferences, etc.; organized by the department collective scientific events and participation in the work of similar events conducted by specialized institutions of other scientific and educational institutions to discuss current issues of legal science.
There were no active military actions in our region, with the exception of missile attacks.
However, the issues that are the professional interests of the department's scientists are related to the consequences of war for citizens and the environment.
environmental law, environmental rights, environmental policy, legal regime and regulation of the use of natural resources, rational nature management, legal protection of the environment, legal environmental conflicts